Call It What You Will

Silver cans and bronze colored dirt

Silver cans and bronze colored dirt

Things end so soon beneath a parking lot moon

Silver cans and bronze colored dirt

She said let’s call it quits, let’s not call it the end of the world

Call it what you will, I’m heartbroken still

Words are just words

Road salt on I-95

Road salt on I-95

Forget what you’re told, it’s bound to get cold

There’s road salt on I-95

I call today a disaster, she calls it December the third

Call it what you will, I’m heartbroken still

Words are just words

On a brief and starstricken night

On a brief and starstricken night

I called her name on the road from Spokane

On a brief and starstricken night

I hear a blue heron crying, some folks just call it a bird

Call it what you will, I’m heartbroken still

Words are just words

Some call an end a beginning, for right now they’ll go unheard

Call it what you will, I’m heartbroken still

Words are just words